After much planning, the fairies and Teelie Turner Author are pleased to announce that the Magical Fairy Book Club has officially been launched. Felicia the Magical Fairy Book Club Fairy is extremely excited about this and cannot stop fluttering her wings with happiness. Keep reading to learn why you should consider joining the Magical Fairy Book Club.
You can watch our magical introductory video about The Magical Fairy Book Club.
A Unique and Enchanted Club
There are numerous benefits to joining The Magical Fairy Book Club. In addition to receiving a new book to read each week in our exclusive members’ area, you’ll also be able to take advantage of several rewards and bonuses. With the Magical Fairy Book Club, your fun in Fairy Land never has to end. This club is the first of its kind and all stories are unique. Teelie Turner and her magical team have put together each of these beautiful stories with you. All of them also include exquisite illustrations. Complete details about the club are available here and we’ll be giving you more information in this blog post too. To register sign up here.
An Affordable Option for Family Fun
The Magical Fairy Book Club costs $14.88 per month and includes over ten magical digital downloadable magical items per week. When you break it down, it comes to $3.72 per week or approximately $0.50 per day for an incredible opportunity to enjoy fairy magic every day of the month. This is a great opportunity to spend time together as a family reading a magical story and enjoying the opportunity to discuss and participate in the magic of Fairy Land. Learn more here.
Change Your Life With Magical Fairy Stories
Reading Can Improve Your Well-being in Numerous Ways
Did you know that reading can improve your well-being in numerous ways? In addition to discovering the magical fairy stories that Teelie Turner wrote, joining The Magical Fairy Book Club can help to improve reading fluency, improve verbal skills, and increase your child’s vocabulary bank. Here are some benefits of joining the magical fairy book club. Learn more here.
- Teelie Turner’s Goal In Recording The Many Events In Her Magical World Of Fairies Is To Use Them As An Easy-To-Accept Tool For Teaching Life Lessons.
- Less Screen Time ~ Ask Many Parents What They Want for Their Kids, And They Are Likely To Say Less Screen Time (the books can be printed out and put in a duo-tang or binder to enjoy as part of a magical library).
- More Connection As Books Can Help Kids Bond Over Shared Values And Interests
- A Time To Let Their Imaginations Soar
- A Magical Escape And Self-Discovery ~ For Kids Stressed Out With School Or Life In General A Magical Book Club Provides A Happy Escape
- Within the Pages Of Teelie Turner’s Magical Fairy Books, They Can Travel And Play With The Fairies, While Learning Positive Messages Within The Books.
Something Magical to Look Forward To
We all need something magical and special to look forward to. Knowing that there will be a special fairy book and bonuses each week can help bring some sunshine to your life and that of your family. Excitement can be spread in magical ways, and it can grow each week in your house as you spend time in Fairy Land. Discover the magical fairy books that you’ll be reading first here.
More Time in the Magical Fairy Kingdom
When you join the Magical Fairy Book Club and enjoy time with Felicia the Magical Fairy Book Club Fairy, who is the ambassador for the fairy book club, you’ll also have bonuses. You’ll get a weekly bonus of “A Peek Into The Magical Fairy Kingdom” which is an enchanting opportunity to enjoy three short fairy stories with incredible ideas for you to consider for your home and family such as fairy gardening. Learn more here.
Enchanted Rewards
When you join the Magical Fairy Book Club, you’ll receive some amazing rewards including the bookcase above that you can print out. You’ll also get a miniature book cover for each book that you can cut out and stick to your bookshelf. This is a special record of what you’ve read with Felicia the Magical Fairy Book Club Fairy. She’ll always be there cheering you on. A beautiful bookmark that goes with each book will also be included with each week’s story. You’ll be able to collect all these magical bookmarks. They also make great gifts for friends and family. More information is available here.
Celebrate Your Accomplishments
You’ll receive a magical tree that you can download, and after each book, you’ll receive a miniature award that you can stick to your tree. This way you can track your reading progress and accomplishments and celebrate all the magical fairies that you’ve read about. You’ll also receive a full-size certificate of completion after you’ve read each book. More details are available here.
Receive Cards in the Mail
Four times a year, you’ll receive a special card in the mail from Teelie Turner and your fairy friends. Each card will even include fairy dust. The cards will come for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Fairy Gifting Day which is September 6th. Sign up so you can start receiving the magic here.
Enjoy Magical Clothing and Accessories
Enjoy magical clothing and accessories associated with each book when you join the Magical Fairy Book Club. You’ll receive a special member-only discount code so you can have incredible savings on your magical fairy merchandise. Learn more here.
Thank you for spending time with us. We hope that you’ll enjoy the Magical Fairy Book Club. It is extremely whimsical, enchanted, and filled with incredible stories which you’ll receive weekly as a member of this special and unique club. Please revisit us at Teelie Turner Author soon.
Discover our magical collection of books here.
Enjoy a magical book trailer.
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